Made in Translation

Atelier Gallery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2011

Cover Artwork: Deafening Modernism: Embodied Language and Visual Poetics in American Literature,

by Rebecca Sanchez

A book of critical theory published by the NYU Press. (Oct 2015)

Made in Translation investigates perception and how meaning is deciphered. By repeating and reimagining languages in different sculptural and printed media, the artwork visually suggests the insistent and resistant force of letters, codes and words on how we navigate our complex existence.

Common materials, etchings, player piano scrolls, shadows, computer monitors and tickers evoke the gap between what is seen and what is understood.

The images and marks in both the two and three-dimensional work elicit a sense of order as well as orderly growth gone awry.


Listening (Opalka Gallery, Sage Colleges of Albany, Albany, NY, 2010)


Soaring (Permanent commission for the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf, Portland, Maine, 2006)